Error: do not find picture Dr. Thore Posske
I. Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Hamburg
Jungiusstrasse 9
22607 Hamburg, Germany

room: 4008, Notkestr. 9
phone: +49 40 42838 4997 (office)
email: tposske at
Thore Posske at Twitter, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and Arxiv.

Research Interests

My research is about topology in condensed matter systems, quantum technology, and machine learning. I am particulary interested in the application of topology and differential geometry for analyzing spin chains, anyons, and Majorana fermions in the realm of topological quantum computing. I also work on the Kondo effect with special focus on the Kondo cloud as well as the influence of magnetic and superconducting materials on the edge states of topological insulators and hybrid systems consisting of trivial and a topological states of matter.

Short CV

2023 - now ERC Starting Grant project QUANTWIST on topological quantum magnetism
2020 - now Head of a group / PI at the I. Institute for Theoretical Physics and the excellence cluster CUI:AIM at Universität Hamburg. Permanent position.
parts of 2019 Parental leave
2017-2020 Postdoc at Universität Hamburg with Prof. Michael Thorwart and Prof. Dr. Dr. Prof. Roland Wiesendanger on the ERC Advanced grant ASTONISH and the excellence cluster AIM
parts of 2017 Parental leave
2015-2017 Postdoc at Universität Hamburg with Prof. Michael Thorwart
2015 PhD in physics at Universität Würzburg (Germany) with Prof. Björn Trauzettel
2014 Research stay at Weizmann institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel) with Profs. Ady Stern and Yuval Oreg
2012 Master of Science at Universität Würzburg (Germany) with Prof. Björn Trauzettel
2011 Research stay at University of Bristol (UK) with Prof. Thilo Gross
2010 Bachelor of Science at Universität Würzburg (Germany) with Prof. Faakher Assaad

Selected Publications

Please see Google Scholar and for a complete list of publications.