The Posske research group is part of the I. Institute for Theoretical Physics and the cluster of excellence 'Advanced Imaging of Matter' at the Universität Hamburg. We currently conduct the ERC Starting Grant project QUANTWIST, looking for stable topological quantum spin systems with applications in quantum technologies.
Thore Posske CV, Google Scholar
Thore likes physics 'with a twist'.
He is particulary interested in topologically robust phenomena in spin chains, anyons, and Majorana fermions
with a possible application to quantum computing.
He also works on the Kondo effect for topological electronic phases
with special focus on the Kondo cloud as well
magnetic and superconducting materials at the edge states of
topological insulators and hybrid systems consisting of a trivial insulator
and a topological insulator.
Martin Bonkhoff (PhD)
Martin's heart beats bosonization. As expert for anyons in ERC Starting Grant project QUANTWIST, Martin bosonizes and applies
other field theoretical tools to low-dimensional theories
and extracts the quasi-particles' characteristic properties.
Olesia Krupnitzka (PhD) Google Scholar
Olesia thinks about experimental realizations of magnetic models with nontrivial properties like the Kitaev-Heisenberg model.
Sergio Hörtner (PhD) Google Scholar
Sergio has a background in string theory and machine learning, which he applies to extract topological properties of spin systems and their dynamics.
Jannis Neuhaus-Steinmetz (MSc)
Jannis is interested in the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity to create topologically nontrivial electronic phases.
To achieve his goals, he focusses on tight-binding and Monte-Carlo calculations for realistic systems.
Felix Gerken (MSc) Google Scholar
Felix is passionate about the topological spin phases.
He considers a vast range of analytical tool, including Hopf algebras, the Bethe ansatz, and fusion categories for
fining exact solutions to low-dimensional spin models with boundaries.
Ioannis Ioannidis (MSc) Google Scholar
Giannis quest is to understand the Majorana modes in the novel platform of magnetic adatoms on superconductors.
He is interested in magnetic manipulation, spin resonances, and time-dependent methods.
Anshuman Tripathi (MSc)
Anshuman wants to study topological effects in spin structures. An intriguing question is if nonlinear sigma models will help achieve the analytical
insight he strives for
Tim Matthies
Tim is longing for key insights in density functional theory and previously was most interested in machine learning applications in topological condensed matter physics. He is PhD student at Elena Vedmedenko's group and a frequent visitor.
Julian Aldabe
Julian wants to dive into the intricate topological understanding of multilayer systems that combine magnetism and superconductivity.
Tom Buechler
Tom investigates spin systems with random couplings and their entanglement entropy.
Malte Röntgen (PhD) Google Scholar
Malte's areas of expertise are latent and hidden symmetries. In his guest stay, latent symmetries of spin systems play a pivotal rule.